Badminton game was first introduced in which country essay



Badminton was originally introduced in England in the middle of the 19th century. The British officers stationed in India played badminton. They introduced the English traditional games of battledore and shotlock by adding a net. The game was popular in the world in the British garrison city of Pune. This game is also known as Punai in the 19th century. get promotion

What are badminton games?

Badminton is an indoor game played between two opposing players (singles) or two pairs (doubles) who rally by using a short lock to try to land it on their opponent's court or force a fault.

Rules of Badminton

Sport in the walled city is like a dream in the age of mobile screen, no one wants to spend time playing field games, but playing badminton on the grass in winter was a tradition.

Badminton coat size?

There is a rule of badminton game, you don't have to start playing in the open field, you have to make a code for it, usually the ground is cut and marked to make a court, but those who want to play on the paved floor can cut it with white paint, basically coat it with paint in indoor badminton game. The size of the court is usually 44 feet in length and fish food width, and the middle mark has to be separated into two parts. The line that will be given at the court boundary is called service during singles game, and during team games, that is, if two people play in a team, the long service line on both sides of the court. Calls must be made 2.5 feet away from the net. There is a hot service line on each side of the court. The net must be 6.5 feet apart.

The accessories needed in the game

The game does not require a lot of equipment like a racket shuttle or cork net or mesh post or pole and coat.

Badminton points calculation

Badminton usually consists of three games of twenty-one points per match, one point is added to each round, and if a side wins a rally, a score will be added to its points, total 20 points. The side that takes the leave wins 29 points The side that can score 30 points first wins the game After winning a game the side that wins at the start of the next game loses.

Benefits of playing badminton

Badminton is also a sport of Bangladesh in the winter season of this country, in the streets, in the alleys, on the streets. On the one hand, one can keep one's body fit as well as gain mental health through it.

1. Increases PC power and endurance

One of the benefits of playing Badminton is increased strength and endurance. By playing Badminton regularly, the muscles of the arms and legs increase in strength and endurance. In the beginning, while playing Badminton for a short time, PC may become weak after playing for a short time, but over time, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes continuously. The game becomes habit forming because over time, playing badminton increases muscle performance

2. Heart health is good

A healthy heart means a healthy whole body A healthy heart is essential for the proper functioning of every part of the body By playing badminton regularly, the body does not recognize cholesterol This cholesterol is a harmful artery-clogging agent Playing badminton increases blood circulation and increases heart power The heart can pump more blood

Helps to reduce excess weight

Playing badminton regularly reduces excess and unnecessary body fat, so if a person is overweight, if he plays badminton regularly, his weight will come under control within a certain period of time. Also, playing badminton regularly has various benefits such as keeping the body fit and protecting the body from various diseases. Free from pests


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