What kind of games is pubg


 Pubg  ames

pubg games is an android version game it is a game like free fire this game has the same as free fire pubg is a copy game of free fire this game is very popular now and this game has got the market like free fire now 500 million people this game By playing PUBG games, it has got a wide market at present

What kind of games is pubg

Pubg is a game for android phone like free fire it has the same features in free fire pubg but there are some differences between the emotes and song skins.

where to get it

To download the pubg game, you have to go to the play store and search first, then download it from there and bring it to your phone. This game is basically 500 to 700 MB and as soon as you open the game, you have to create an ID there. Go to games and you have to go there and play the game

What it takes to play

To play pubg game basically first you need an android phone and to play it you need data connection or wifi without data connection this game can't be played and it doesn't require much data to play so data is required to play these games

How to open ID on it

Basically in pubg game id can be created with facebook or gmail and after opening this game with name in id then play

what is it like

pubg game is basically controlled by robot which we have to control and kill the enemy bashtru party pubg game is like free fire

What's in it?

1. the lobby

2. Rifle skin

3. Emote

4. dashup

5. banner

6. Parachute


What is its last step?

If you win this game from start to finish, babuya pile gives you a point to add to this point you have to pass the steps one by one and it goes from bronze to master and genmaster.


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